In Memoriam: Drug testing industry pioneer, Medical Review Officer David Nahin, M.D.

Categories: education

8gAAAAASUVORK5CYII=The drug and alcohol screening industry recently lost a great leader, mentor, colleague and friend.

Dr. David Nahin of Milwaukee, Wis., a recognized expert in the training and work of Medical Review Officers, died April 29. He was 73.

Dr. Nahin garnered special respect for his considerable knowledge about the roles, responsibilities and requirements of Medical Review Officers. He helped write and update exams for professional accreditation by the Medical Review Officer Certification Council. He also contributed to the federal Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration's working group tasked with updates to the MRO Manual for the Federal Agency Workplace Drug Urine Testing Program, and he designed the MRO protocol guidelines for expanded opioid testing.

Dr. Nahin completed his own medical training at the Medical College of Wisconsin and became board-certified in Internal Medicine and Emergency Medicine. He practiced Emergency Medicine at several hospitals throughout southeastern Wisconsin before deciding to serve several companies as a Medical Review Officer, ultimately winding down his professional Chief Medical Review Officer of i3screen. In retirement, Dr. Nahin maintained his medical licensure and offered professionals throughout the drug-screening industry advisement as needed.

Our Company President James A. Greer was quoted as saying, "Dr. Nahan, was a dedicated MRO and provided leadership and a commitment of service to his clients and the nation's drug testing industry for many years, he will be greatly missed!"

Accredited Drug Testing extends our deepest appreciation for Dr. Nahin and sympathy for his family, especially his wife Kathleen, and their children and grandchildren.