Drug & Alcohol Testing Locations

Employment, DOT, Probation, Court, Family

All States and Cities & Same Day Testing
Urine | Hair Follicle | Blood | Oral/Saliva
5, 10, 12, 14 Panel Drug & Alcohol/ETG Tests

20,000+ Test Centers Nationwide - Schedule Your Test within Minutes of Your Home or Work

Fast and Easy Test Scheduling: call our live agents or schedule your test online 24/7

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"When You Need A Test, Choose The Best"

Fast & Easy Scheduling, Same Day Service, SAMHSA Certified Laboratories, Instant Result Products (FDA approved)

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Why Choose Accredited Drug Testing?

Accredited Drug Testing is one of the Nation's leading providers of drug testing, alcohol testing and DNA testing for employers, courts, government agencies and individuals. With over 20,000 drug testing centers in all States and Cities, our drug testing facilities perform all drug screenings including 5, 10, 12 and 14 panel drug tests with instant result products which are FDA approved and drug tests utilizing SAMHSA Certified Laboratories. Drug testing methods include urine, hair, blood and fingernail.

Testing purposes include employment, court ordered, probation, post-accident, reasonable suspicion, return to duty and family related testing. We also provide mobile drug and alcohol testing for construction sites, warehouses, schools and other small, medium and large employers.